25 AUG: DL and OHP

  1. Warm-up: 20 burpees

  2. Deadlift: (warmup 225 x 5; 275 x 5) 315 x 3; 325 x 3; 335 x 3

  3. 1-leg db deadlift: 60 x 12/12, 12/12, 12/12

  4. Overhead press: 145 x 3; 150 x 3; 155 x 3

  5. 1-arm push press: 65 x 6/6, 6/6, 6/4, 6/5 (left arm weaker / uncoordinated)

  6. lateral raise: 10s x 12, 12, 12, 10 (super strict form, short rest interval)

  7. 63lb T-bell swing: 53 consecutive reps


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