5 MAY: new program starts today

I can't even begin to explain the logic on this plan. It'd take many many pages to fully understand. The schedule allows for my fiance and I to do our crazy endurance playing every other Saturday (when I don't have the kids). Wheter its kayaking, hiking, or rock climbing, I built it into the schedule.

1st workout:
1) incline bench press: 135 x 10; 165 x 8; 115 x 17
2) 1-arm shoulder press: 25 x 15, 15 each arm
3) skull crusher: 75 x 12, 6
4) wide grip pullups: 4, 4, 2
5) 1-arm T-bar row: 35 x 12, 12 each
6) 3-position calves raise: 12-12-12; 15-15-15


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