19 May: Condition workout 1 (B1)

3 rounds for time of:
a) Diagonal medicine ball (25 lbs) slam: 10
b) Burpee: 15
c) Leg raise off bench: 20
d) Box jump: 20
e) Ab wheel: 20

my time: 20:44

Burpees suck!!!!!!!!!!! That was by far the hardest movement of the 5. I'm glad that the conditioning workouts focus so much on mobility. That's the reason the burpees are so much harder for me than the other movements. After 4 of these workouts over 8 weeks, I should be much more adept at burpees. In particular, I'm hoping to be better at exploding into the jump.

I'll do this workout again in 2 weeks, and can hopefully shave off 44 seconds!!!! But I'd be happy with 20:15


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