I'm kind of big and kind of heavy. I weigh 235 and wear XXXL shirts ťailored to fit my size L waist. Even so, after moths of consistent effort, I'm strong enough to incorporate calisthenics as my primary form of training volume. My current plan is paying off in the form of major leaps in endurance, tighter physique, and fat loss. The schedule is: Mon - whole body Tue - arms Wed - whole body Thu - off Fri - whole body Sat - arms Sun - off My torso has always grown faster than my arms and I need to build proportion, so they get 2 dedicated sessions a week. A typical whole body session runs like this: 1. Single leg calf raise: 3-100 method* 2. 10 min EMOM: Big power movement like deadline, or snatch grip high pull, or clean&press. Start at 10x3 and stick with the same weight till you can perform 10x6. Rotate between 5-6 movements every session. 3. Conditioning circuit 1: 5 rounds of A. Pushup progression B. Pick a single leg squat patte...