Singularly focused

Ha.  That's  a pun.  Cuz I'm single.  So I dated someone for about 5 months and it was great, but then she had to go away for a bit.   When she got back to town, she wanted to transform her life, for the better.  I was super excited for her, but I was also part of the old life so we parted ways.  Then we started talking again and have become friends.  We speak just about every day.  She is dating and figuring herself out.  I am single because I found exactly who and what I wanted.  The hard part for me is that she is even more attractive as the woman she is becoming.  I'll stay single and focused on my own growth until I find someone or something of equal worth and joy.  Not what I anticipated, but hey, it isn't all bad.  I have a great friend, am kicking ass professionally, physically, and spiritually.

On to the physical ass kicking.......

Kettlebells.  No other single piece of equipment can transform you  the way these can.  If I were to strip down everything to the bare minimums, to build  a fit and lean physique, it'd be this:

  1. Kettlebells
  2. Sprinting
  3. Pullups or Chinups
  4. Dips
  5. Kettlebell goblet squats
  6. Stomach vacuums
I do more because I have time to kill, and equipment available.  Also, I train with some degree of specificity for Highland Games.

I've been following a high volume, high frequency training plan that is only possible because of the simplicity of my life (no dating, no drinking, just clean eating and rest).  The one tweak I made is to add ketttlebell swings between every set on upper body days.   This one change has turned my bulking plan into a fat shredding, metabolism igniting, muscle growing plan.  I'll post detailed training logs later today, starting with Sunday 7 SEP 2014.


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