16 DEC: More solid progress

I stopped tracking bodyfat and weight.  My stomach keeps getting smaller, my weight has stabalized, my endurance is going up, my strength is going up, but most of all my work capacity has skyrocketed.

I worked up another 10 pounds on squats, then killed it on other stuff.

  1. squats:  45x10; 65x10; 95x10; 115x10; 135x10; 155x10; 175x10; 185x5
  2. Superset:
    a. Step-ups:  5 sets of 15 per leg
    b. 50lb Kettlebell swing:  10, 15, 20, 10, 15
  3. hack squat drop-set:  240x6 - 190x6 - 140x6 - 90x6


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