18APR: C3-D1

Cycle 3, Day 1.  Haven't missed a workout yet.  Motivation is at an all time high.

  1. recumbent bike:  5 mins
  2. Bicep / Abs superset:
    a. Incline dumbbell curls:  25s x 8,8,8,8,8
    b. plank step-out:  BW x 5 sets x 5 each leg
  3. EZ-bar rvs curl: 40 x 12,12,12,12,12
  4. Dips:  28 total
  5. pushups:  30 total
  6. overhead press*: 115x1; 95 x 5,5,5; 105 x 7
*Overhead press:  My shoulders were totally spent from the increase in dips and pushups.  Again, I see how terrible my strength endurance is, so can see sticking with this plan for quite some time.


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