10APR: Pressing, biceps and abs day1

Day 1 of my 4-day rotation.  Not a bad start.  I was training in the garage and my 10yr old son wanted me to work with him on legs, so I cut my work short to focus on him.  He's trying to get ready for a skateboarding competition in May and wants more power to ollie higher.  :)

My workout:
  1. jump rope:  2 mins
  2. dips: 4 x 5 (20 total)
  3. pushups: 4 x 10 (40 total)
  4. overhead press:  115 x 5 x 5
I skipped abs and biceps.  My son ended up falling asleep on the weight bench. Bulgarian squats, single leg dumbbell deadlifts, and squat jumps took it out of him.


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