24 DEC: MMS-3

This 3 day rotation is starting to crush me.  Everything hurts, and I can't eat enough food to feel better.  I'm going to stick with it through week 2 and if my shoulders are still this jacked, I'll switch it to a Mon,  Fri program instead of every 3 days.  Seriously, folks.  This program will crush anyone!!!!

  1. Bench press:  205 x 2,3,5,2,3,5,2,3,5
    next time:  215lbs
  2. bat wings:  10 x 5 sec holds with 45.  Doable.  Not "easy", but less than hard.
  3. 1-arm press:  55 x 2,3,5,2,3,5,2,3,5
    Right shoulder is especially sore.  I've been massaging it, but to no avail.  May have to stick with this weight or reduce frequency.
  4. bird dog:  easy as always
  5. I skipped complexes.  I'm just sore as bird dog shit
  6. squats:  115 x 30, 30


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