28 AUG: Warrior Dash prep 3

What a great time. 14 people showed up and everyone pushed HARD! We had two guys puke right at the end. It was beautiful!

  1. 5 minute warm-up
    Just some bodyweight work and dynamic yoga stuff

  2. Sprint Build-ups
    1. 20yd plyo-skipping + 20yd sprint x 2
    2. 20yd high-knee + 20yd sprint x 2
    3. 20yd scissors + 20yd sprint x 2
    4. 20yd acceleration + 20yd sprint x 2

  3. Massive sandbag workout!!!!
    This is what got everyone. We did a variety of bag throws that involved twisting, underhanding, and shot putting the bag almost the full width of the footbal field. After completing each throw, we sprinted 440 yards. We did this throw+sprint six (6) times. I spoke to a few friends today and they each to take some sort of nap today (Sunday) and were feeling massive amounts of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

  4. Hill sprints with sandbag
    This is where the puking happened. The hill at Murchison Middle School is intense. I can't even wager a guess at incline or distance. We did that 3 times carrying our sandbags.

We did our stretching and wrapped up by 9:30. It was awesome!!!!!


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