End of the easy phase

I have to say, I like body-part split training. It is SO easy compared to whole-body training. Its far easier to learn to accept acute pain in a small sets of muscle groups than it is to accept the feeling of total exhaustion. Training till your lungs are on fire, you are lightheaded, and the your hearing fades out takes a commitment to athleticism that not everyone has.

And for the last few weeks I haven't had that commitment. I needed a reentry phase. Bodybuilding is a great reentry. Watching the weights or the reps go up is rewarding. Seeing individual muscles grow is rewarding. But now it is time to test my mettle, but in progessively harder phases.

Monday 15th will start my 3/wk whole body HIT phase. Do a search on this blog for HIT if you don't know what that is. Additionally, Tuesdays and Thursdays will be some form of running. After 4 weeks of this, I'm switching back to a hybrid aproach: CrossFit style workouts + basic whole body workouts; both done till I drop.


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