6 MAR: Biceps make me puke

What the hell happened Saturday morning? I have NEVER thrown up from doing arm work before. I must have spent a solid 5 minutes or more heaving after this workout

1. Close grip chinup: 8, 8, 6, 5
2. Inclune dumbbell curls: 30s x 9, 5; 25s x 8, 4; 20s x 8
3. EZ bar curl: 65 x 13, 13; 55 x 20
4. High wide grip bent row: 95 x 12.......

I stopped there because the puking just completely drained me, literally and figuratively. This wasn't supposed to be a biceps-only workout. I just wasn't able to get to back work after that one set of High Wide Rows.


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