01 Dec: Workout and some ramblings

Ramblings First:

I've noticed my training has been focused on the sagittal plane of movement. This is basically a plane in which forward and backward movement takes place, such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc. As a result, my lateral speed and kicking speeds have started to suffer. So I'm incorporating a lot of rotational and otherwise odd movement drills for the next 4 weeks.

For the next 4 weeks, each workout starts with "Spiderman Crawling". This is INSANELY difficult. I could feel my lower adbominals, my hips, my spine, and my pushing muscles firing in patterns I'm unused to. I lifted this from Men's health Urbanathlon training program; courtesy of The Crunch. I'm not doing their workout, just this movement.

The workout - 01 DEC 2008:
1) Spiderman crawls: 8 :(
2) Deadlift: 205 x 8, 8, 8
3) Bodyweight Jump lunges: 20, 24
4) Skier Squat (1 & 1/2 reps): bodyweight x 5
5) Pullup: bodyweight x 5, 5, 4
6) Supported prone fly; 10s x 10, 10, 10
7) overhead press: 105 x 8, 8, 8
8) Pushup with truck twist*: 14, 12, 6
9) Hammer curls**: 20s x 15, 15, 10
10) Leg raise off bench: 15, 15

* Pushup with trunk twist is another from Men's Health / The Crunch. Bringing the knee to the opposite elbow as you push up creates some great instability and requires significant core stabilization. I like this one!!!!!!!!

** My right elbow has an inflamed ligament somewhere, so i am going light until I am recovered. Any movement that requires elbow flexion is causing me pain at the moment, but not so much so that I can't make progress.


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