13 OCT: quasi fight training

Mondays are proving to be a consistent group of three. My girlfriend, my friend, and me.

The workout structure was simple:
1) Heavy bag: 2 minutes, 1 min rest
2) Core circuit: 2 minutes, 1 min rest
3) 1 round off
- Repeat this three times

The minute between round proved to be too long, so we dropped it to 30 seconds.

The core circuit was TOUGH!
A) Swiss ball russian twist: 10lbs, 10 reps per side <LINK>
B) Medicine ball squat + overhead throw: 25lb, 10 reps
C) Medicind Ball situp: 25 lbs, 10 reps.

After all of this, did a drill for 3 minutes, which required us to circle the heavy bag, change directions on command, and keep our arms up around the bag all three minutes. My calves went NUMB!!!

THEN, we took turns pushing my truck. I got about 45 yards.


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