07 OCT: OMG! H-I-T!

Sometimes the simplest things are the best things. in this case, doing a true High Intensity Training style workout with as little as 9 exercises had me totally wiped out! The idea is to lift as much weight as you can handle, using the strictest form, then do a few forced reps or negatives when you reach failrue. Move on to the next exercise with little to no rest. It equates to about 15-25 minutes of gut wrenching work.

1) Skier Squats* (1&1/2 reps**): 25 lbs by 8
2) Walking Lunges: 75 lbs by 6
- about 1 minute rest
3) Chin-ups: 6 + 1 negative
4) Supine Grip Bent Row: 115 x 12
5) High Pull: 135 x 9
6) Overhead press: 95 x 11
- about 1 minute rest
7) Bench press: 165 x 10
8) Barbell curl: 75 x 10 + 1 negative
9) Weighted Swissball crunch thing: 20lbs x 15

* Skier Squat: Not only is this a good explaination of the Skier's Squat, its also a great article. LINK

** 1 and a half reps: For the skier squat you lower yourself all the way to the bottom position, pause for a count of 5, come half way up and pause for another 5-count, return to the bottom for the last count of 5, then return to the starting position. That constitutes one rep. The total time under tension is about 17 seconds per rep.


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