25NOV: Kneehab wk4-d3

Warm-up  was just sitting in the sauna.  Nice change of pace.  :)

  1. Box pistols:  10/10, 10/10, 15/15  - Ready to start the low box after Thanksgiving
  2. Between every set, I did either 10 swings with the 80# KB, or 10 goblet squats with same
    a. Incline DB press:  45x10, 55x10; 65x6,10,8; 50x10
    b. 80# KB swing or squat:  10,10,10,10,10,10
  3. Between every set, I did either 10 swings with the 80# KB, or 10 goblet squats with same
    a. Lateral raise:  12x10; 15x10; 17.5x10,10,10,10
    b. 80# KB swing or squat:  10,10,10,10,10,10
  4. Between every set, I did either 10 swings with the 80# KB, or 10 goblet squats with same
    a. Smith machine row+ shrug: 155x8-8, 5-8, 8,12
    b. 80# KB swing or squat:  10,10,10


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