Got my act together

And by act, of course I mean shit.  I am still living by my mantra of doing everything scheduled as compulsively as possible.
  • My house is immaculate.
  • My yard is coming along (previous renters let it die).
  • My diet is getting closer to optimal.
  • I have given up all caffeinated beverages other than hot tea, and I hardly drink alcohol.
  • I have been cooking more.
  • I am still making time for my bible study even now that the classroom portion has ended.
  • I am making so much time for my kids.  I am seeing a dramatic change in the relationship with my 13 year old daughter.
  • I have mastered my own financial system (a watered-down version of Dave Ramsey's plan) and am saving money faster than I ever did while I was married (technically still married but my wife won't speak to me and hasn't made any effort to file for divorce).
That last part of the last bullet is the stressor.  I love that woman relentlessly.  I have yet to lose an ounce of passion for her even after 3 months of living apart and repeated rejection.  She says she hasn't found anyone else, but that is really not the issue anyway.  For me the issue is I made a lifetime commitment and can't see myself quitting on that unless she follows through on divorcing me.  I am learning to balance hope with realism and just worry about taking care of myself, without feeling like I am giving up my hope for reconciliation.

As far as athletic goals, it is going great.  I am holding steady at 216lbs and  15% BF.  I can swing a 50lb kettlebell all the live long day, and frequently do it between normal sets to keep my heart rate up and my caloric expenditure jacked.  Often times I'll do body weight squats between sets for upper body.  Or I'll take a pair of dumbbells to the step-mill and crank out 1 minute of stairs followed by a set of whatever.

I'm going back out to Bastrop State Park with a buddy to ride the 22 mile loop again.  The good news is we'll be going at a shared pace, so there will be no pressure to compete with myself.  It'll just be about finishing and having fun.


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