3JUN: Lost

I am still lifting and still trying to follow a plan, but I just don't buy into what I'm doing right now.  3 days a weeks is not adequate.  I feel lost.  I can't use the garage gym because our contractors are still using it for a remodeling project.

Normally I am very objective about what my goals are and what the best way to reach them is, but for whatever reason I've been very uncommitted to a single goal.  I keep flip flopping and getting nowhere.  I am seeing some progress here and there, but without commitment or direction, progress is almost meaningless.

So I joined a commercial gym yesterday and bought 4 personal training sessions.  Normally I wouldn't do this but the guy is a competitive strongman, and former powerlifter.  I can get on board with this.  He talked to me about his reasons for abandoning the Westside training template, which are the same reasons I've had for not doing it.  He mentioned his current training, which has many of the same principles as 5-3-1 and Juggernaut templates.

It'll be nice to turn over the planning to someone else for the first time in my life.  I can just focus on the effort and not worry about the direction, as I'll have paid someone to handle that for me.

That said, I messed around at the gym after I signed up.
  1. bench press:  135x10; 165x10; 185x8; 205x6; 215x6
  2. pullups:  2,3,4,5,5,5
  3. front squats:  135x10; 185x5; 205x5; 225 x 5,5,5
  4. push press:  135x5; 185x5; 205x3,2,2,2,1


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