3 SEP: more strength

Highlight of the day:  225 x 6 on bench press.

  1. 5 mins on stepmill.  that thing is torture
  2. Russian twist:  20 x 10/10, 10/10
  3. Horizontal push / pull:
    a. bench press:  185 x 5; 205 x 5; 225 x 5
    b. bent row: 155 x 5; 175 x 5; 185 x 5
  4. upright row:  65 x 10, 10, 10, 10
  5. wide grip pulldown:  130 x 10, 10, 10, 10
  6. front squat:  205 x 5; 225 x 5; 245 x 5
  7. skipped ancillary leg work - still sore from timed squat sets
  8. machine bicep curl (cuz I still have twig arms):
    30 x 40; 40 x 5; 50 x 5; 60 x 5; 70 x 5; 80 x 5; 90 x 5; 100 x 5
    90 x 6; 80 x 7; 70 x 8; 60 x 9; 50 x 10


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