17 SEP: 1 rep max: DL & OHP

I'm pleased with my overhead press max, but disappointed with my deadlift.

OHP 1 rep max:  175
DL 1 rep max:   405

I'll get maxes for bench press on Tuesday and squats on Friday.
I know what I need to do.  New plan (same framework) starts on 24 SEP.

Reminder of my strength goals for 2012:
  1. 1x bodyweight overhead press: 210lbs

  2. 1.5x bodyweight bench press: 315lbs (almost there now)

  3. 2x bodyweight squat: 420lbs (no idea where I'm at)

  4. 2.5x bodyweight deadlift: 525 (hovering around 450, with one brief stop at 495)


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