1 AUG: B2-3

Well, I've hit my wall.  Time to take a couple steps back in order to make a few dozen steps forward.  My vertical pushing and pulling strength is stalling out.  I'm going to make the following changes to revitalize my progress.

On vertical pull endurance work, I'm going to start using pull-downs to get lighter weight and higher volume.  I'm also going to switch my vertical pull endurance work to upright rows.  This should be enough variety that I don't stagnate one overhead press strength days, with a nice side-benefit of building some nice traps.  :)

On vertical push / pull strength days, I'm going to do my bicep and tricep work AFTER the overhead presses and pullups.

All else is still making steady progress.  Today's results:
  1. Treadmill:  0.65 miles in mins at 3.5 degree incline
  2. leg raise off bench:  20, 20, 20
  3. Bicep superset:
    a. alternating dumbbell curl:  30s x 10, 10
    b. EZ-bar curl: 75 x 6, 6
  4. Tricep superset:
    a. rope grip pushdown:  60 x 10, 10
    b. dips:  BW x 6, 6
  5. Vertical push / pull strength:
    a. Pullup:  BW x 5; +10 x 5; +20 x 3
    b. OHP: 115 x 5; 135 x 5; 145 x 3
  6. Horizontal endurance:
    a. 1-arm row:  70 x 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
    b. pushup:  BW x 15, 15, 18, 15
  7. deadlift:  225 x 5; 255 x 5; 275 x 5; 295 x 9
  8. T-bell swing:  50 reps - working smaller clusters with less rest between sets.


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