27 JUL: B1-3

Another great workout.  Back on track and feeling good. T-bell swings are the ultimate destroy / rebuild tool.  Everyone is asking me if I'm dieting.  :)
  1. treadmill:  0.62 miles in 10 mins, 3.5 degree icnline
  2. 1-arm overhead situp*:  10 x 10/10, 10/10
  3. Bicep tri-set: one set per arm today ionstead of 2.  pressed for time
    a. zottman curl: 22.5 x 10/10
    b. concentration curl: 22.5 x 10/10
    c. x-body hammer curl:  22.5 x 10
  4. Tricep tri-set: one set per arm today ionstead of 2.  pressed for time
    a. x-body dumbbell extension:  22.5 x 10/10
    b. reverse grip pressdown:  20 x 10/10
    c. neutral grip pressdown: 20 x 10/10
  5. Vertical strength:
    a. Pullup:  BW x 5; +10 x 5; +20 x 5
    b. OHP: 135 x 5; 140 x 5; 145 x 6
  6. Horizontal endurance:
    a. 1-arm row: 70 x 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
    b. pushup: BW x 15, 15, 15
  7. FBGM: 115 x 10; 120 x 10; 125 x 10
  8. T-bell swing:  73 x 15, 13, 12, 10


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