16 MAY: Day3, wk1

The good and bad of having laid off weights for so long is that you get a great stimulus from such a small load.  My legs still feel like limp brisket from squats on Monday and the intervals on Tuesday.

Wednesday night's results:
  1. Dips*:  singles x 3, 3, 3; 3 consecutive reps; 5 more singles
  2. Upright row:  55 x 8, 8, 10, 10
  3. Bench press:  135 x 10; 155 x 10; 165 x 8, 9
  4. 1-arm dumbbell row:  50 x 15 left & 15 right
  5. Incline Zottman curls: 25s x 6 (too heavy for this new movement)
  6. Leg press**:  180 x 25
  7. Flat-back goodmorning:  65 x 14
*Dips: I'm just weak.  It'll be a while before I get my upper-body strength back.

**Leg press:  My knees hurt from all the running, so I'm going light on leg press and getting a burn from high reps.


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