14 MAY: Day1, wk1

Man, oh man!  I am so deconditioned.  If you've read my blog posts you'll know that I had a rough start to 2012.  5 weeks of the flu, followed by hernia surgery, mean I'm just now lifting with any real load or effort.

I ran the Head For The Cure 5K in Plano on 5/12.  My time:  33:39.  Not bad, but not good - what I expected.

Monday was my first day of lifting and I felt every rep.  I'm following a plan that is outside my comfort zone - written by MuscleMag publishing company, ostensibly by Robert Kennedy.  I steer clear of bodybuilding magazines, and also from books about bodybuilding training, but my wife got me the book for Christmas and I feel compelled to get some use out of it.

The plan is essentially:
squats:  4 x 6-8
leg accessory work: 6 sets
HIT-style 1 set to failure for push, pull, & biceps

bench: 4 x 6-8
chest accessory work:  6 sets
HIT-style 1 set to failure for legs, pulling, biceps

deadlift:  4 x 6-8
bent row: 4 x 6-8
biceps:  3 sets
HIT-style 1 set to failure for pushing, triceps, and abs

My results for 14 MAY:
  1. squat: 135 x 10; 185 x 10, 10, 10
  2. leg extension: 120 x 8; 130 x 10; 140 x 10
  3. standing calves raise:  55 x 20; 75 x 20, 20
  4. wide grip pulldown: 140 x 12
  5. dips:  4 reps
  6. upright row: 45 x 12
  7. incline dumbbell press: 45s x 12
  8. dumbbell curls:  30s x 18 reps total (per arm)
  9. side plank:  30 seconds each
  10. elbow plank:  1 minute


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