Temporary change of (training) plans

Since the highland games doesn't require any degree of anaerobic endurance or what fighters call 'conditioning', I'm switching to a more purpose-driven workout plan. To make the best use of time, I'm not structuring my workouts on a weekly rotation, but a 5-day rotation.

Day 1:
Knee dominant & Pushing movements, rotational strength

Day 2:
Hip dominant & Pulling movements, abdominal strength (mostly ab wheel)

Day 3: Off

Day 4:
Sport Specific Training and plyometrics

Day 5:
Randomized running

Days 1 and 2 will start with some variety of explosive olympic lift. Day 4 will be practicing the events, and ending with full body plyometrics. Day 5 is just to give my body a break without totally sitting still; sort of an active recovery day. Training starts this Sunday


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