20 & 21 OCT: Sandbag work

Last week I 'aquired' another sandbag courtesy of the Pflugerville road crew. :)

This one is a bit heavier, weighing in at 48lbs. Last night and today, I threw the bag as hard as I could.

I did three sets of about 5 throws to the left, as if shovelling and an equal number of sets throwing to the right.

I lost count of my unberhand throws, mimicking the Scottish Weight Over Bar event. Today, I did this while I had my kids at a playground. I was able to use a swingset with no swings as my bar. 9 feet seems to be my limit right now. And no, there weren't any kids running around. It was barely 5:00 and the park was empty except for me, my kids, and our dog.

My traps are sore, but my lower back and hips feel great! its as if they have been 'opened' or something. I'm much more flexible and looser about the hips.


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