Simple, effective, painful

I started my Monday with my normal leg training.  Lots of unilateral work, followed by front squats and straight leg deadlift.  All in all a very productive session.

Since Monday was a school holiday, there were no kids at the boxing gym.  I got to devote 2 hours to my own boxing training.  I spent a full 30 minutes on warm-up and it was TOUGH!  More like a supplemental workout.

  1. Air squats
    15 reps, every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes.  150 reps total
  2. Pushups
    5 reps, EMOM for 10 minutes.  100 reps total
  3. Situps
    4 x 20
  4. Flutter kick / Leg circle superset
    3 x 40 / 10 each direction
After that was an hour of heavy bag.

The EMOM work was killer.  Didn't feel too hard at the time but everything was sore on Tuesday.


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