Service before self; goals before sleep

I try and adopt a simple little mantra every year, in lieu of a set of resolutions.  Last year was the year of Self Discipline.  2015 is the year of Service Before Self.  I've been making it a habit to say yes to a request for help as often as possible.  The   cool thing is I've ended up in some situations that are way outside my comfort zone, but always a positive helpful experience.  The downside is I've been slacking on my physical development.  This week, is the first where I've reached a balance of coaching in the evenings and lifting on my own time where i can find the time.

I'm starting off in a high rep range (12 - 15), and the weights are just sad.  The good news is that after 2 days, I feel invigorated and primed to start making progress.  I'm going to add 5 to 10 pounds, just every so often and make slow progress for as long as I can.  I want to temper my enthusiasm and eagerness for results.  If I go slower than my max, I'll progress for longer than my usual 6 weeks and hopefully avoid joint/connective tissue breakdown that I always create with my impatience.

Basic schedule:
Mon AM: Lower body; low volume; high reps
Mon PM: Boxing

Tue AM: Upper body; low volume; high reps
Tue PM: Boxing

Wed AM: Lower body; low volume; high reps
Wed PM: Cardio at home

Thu AM: Upper body; low volume; high reps
Thu PM: Boxing

Fri AM: Lower body; low volume; high reps
Fri PM: Off

Saturday: Crazy happy fun adventure day

Sunday: Off


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