Everything hurts

Oh my gosh!  My muscles hurt.  My joints hurt and make popping noises all day long.  My appetite is off the charts.  My feet are sore.

But goodness gracious, I've never seen my body respond so quickly as it is right now, and I'm not taking any supplements whatsoever. My legs are really responding to the extreme double progression method, and the thrice weekly stimulus of pistols and squats.  I'm going to do my best to gut this out and not take any time off, but the wall is coming.....

9DEC2014: P2-wk1-d3
Warmup including Turkish getups and wood choppers.

  1. Alternating low box pistols: 6,6,6,6
  2. NG pullup:  5,4,3,2,2
  3. Snatch complex:  65# (just a warm-up.  Will move to 85 next time)
    a. snatch high pull x 3
    b. snatch x 3
    c. snatch balance x 3
    d. overhead squat x 3
  4. Bench press: 165 x 5,5,5 (went light because my shoulder hurt so bad)
  5. Hammer Strength row: 160x10; 180x20 (Rest Pause)
  6. DB Shoulder raise tri-set:
    a. prone: 15s x 8
    b. front: 15s x 8
    c. side: 15s x 3
  7. Squat: 135 x 12, 12, 12, 15, 20
  8. a. EZ bar curl: 75 x 8,8,8,8,8,8
    b. straight bar pushdown: 120 x 8,8,8,8,8,8
  9. Stomach vacuums:  just some


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