26 SEP: Whole Body - A

I'm 2 days post highland Games and starting up with a 2-4 week reloading phase. I call it Reloaded because it starts with a 1 week Deload but builds weight / load quickly.

Today's deload workout:

  1. Clean: 135 x 1; 155 x 1; 165 x 1; 185 x miss, 1

  2. Back squat: 185 x 10; 195 x 10; 205 x 10

  3. 1-leg dumbbell deadlift: 50 (2x25lb) x 12/12, 12/12

  4. Horizontal superset:
    a. Bench press: 185 x 8; 195 x 8
    b. 1-arm dumbbell row: 60 x 12/12, 12/12

  5. Vertical superset:
    a. Overhead press: 115 x 8, 8
    b. 1-arm pulldown: 45 x 12/12; 70 x 12/12

  6. Dumbbell curl countdown: 25 x 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (rest only long enough to complete reps with opposite hand)

  7. Dumbbell cross-body tricep extension: 25 x 10,9,8,5 (rest as with previous exercise. My tris gave out)

I was going to do some bridging and rotational work, but my arms couldn't support my body. Core work will happen later tonight.


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