16 AUG: Back

I freaking LOVE my home-made tire sled. Absolutely incredible piece of cheap equipment!!!!

Back day entailed:

  1. snatch grip high pull: 135 x 6; 155 x 6; 185 x 6

  2. neutral grip chinup: BW x 5; +10 x 5; +15 x 5

  3. 1-arm dumbbell row: 45 x 12, 12; 50 x 12, 12 left and right

  4. supine grip pulldown*: 100 x 12; 110 x 12; 120 x 12, 12

  5. rope grip seated row: 75 x 12, 12, 12, 12

  6. Tire sled explosive row**:
    max reps in 5 mins with 45lbs
    results: 108 reps for a just over one lap around the gym
    I'm going to add another plate next time

*Supine grip pulldown: Man, these are rough on my wrists and elbows, I had to vary my grip each set to keep the mechanical strain down. The load on my arms and lats was just fine.

**I made a tire sled and it is proving to be versatile, durable, interesting, and highly effective!!!! I had wednesday off and today, 2 days later, my traps are more sore than they have ever been.


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