12 July: Last sprint run for a while

The wind was so bad Friday night that we decided to run 200s. That way we would fight the wind for the curve, and end with it at our back for the straight.

After 3 of these the pain in my shins was so severe that walking was an accomplishment. I'm going to lay off sprints for at least 2 weeks.

Thankfully, my kids are fast on their bikes, so roller blading along side them will have to suffice for a bit.

After two weeks, I'll start back with aerobic paced jogs.


plieb said…
whenever I get shin splits its because my shoes are broken down. let me know how you do on the Twine WOD. I suggest watching the video int he link he sent before trying it.
MMAdrian said…
My shoes are certainly worn out. These are the best running shoes I've purchased in quite a while, but I never ran as seriously as I did 2007 to present.


I'll hold off on the next pair for another pay check or two ;)

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