Today's Old School lifting

We burned 800 calories in 45 minutes doing simple, straight-forward work, with short rest intervals.

  1. Vertical push/pull superset
    a. overhead press: 85x10; 95x10; 115x10; 125x11
    b. Pullup: bodyweight x 6,7,8,8
  2. Flat back goodmorning: 125x10; 135x10; 145x10; 155x10
  3. Arms superset:
    a. barbell curls: 95x7, 10, 10, 10, 7
    b. skull crushers: 55x15; 60x12; 70x10; 80x10, 10
That's it.  Nothing fancy.  Just hard work on basic lifts.  Friday is our day to try out all the crazy conditioning plans. 


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