Quality and Quantity

My training buddy and I were talking about how the blended training qualities approach has been doing wonders for our fitness, but not doing much for hypertrophy, so we decided to split it up a little differently.

Monday and Thursday are all about old school strength training.   Think Larry Scott, Reg Park, and maybe even HIT.  High quality sets; perfect reps; taking the last set to absolute failure

Tuesday and Friday are conditioning days.  Yeah, you could call it CrossFit or MetCons, but then I'm sure I'd owe somebody $150 a month, so we'll stick with Conditioning.  High volume, low percentage of 1 rep max, lots of rowing, farmers walks, bodyweight movements etc.  The "kitchen sink" approach to circuits to get you smoked.

So far, I'm making AMAZING progress. I've honestly never been stronger, leaner, or more athletic. One of the key learnings for me has been Rep Maxes.  Trying to increase max reps on a certain load is better than trying to always lift heavier. Again, think old school "double progression".  When you old 5RM becomes your new 10RM, you will undoubtedly be stronger and look a hell of a lot better!

Some numbers I've hit recently:

  • Squat: 315 x 11
  • Bench press: 225 x 7
  • 1-arm row:  80 x 12
  • Leg press: 650 x 10
  • Chinup: +70 x 1; +35 x 6
I can't wait to see what the next 8 weeks will bring!!!!!

Evenings have been sports or running.  I LOVE my Texas summers!!!!


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