13JUN2016: push day

Here's a good representative example of the current phase of training.

  1. Nice long warmup
  2. CNS warm-up:  just a few of each to get ready to lift HEAVY
    a. wall ball
    b. toes to bar or hollow-body rocks
  3. Bench press: 135x10; 185x5; 205x5; 225x7
  4. Squat: 135x10; 185x10; 225x10; 275x5; 315x7
  5. MetCon
    a. Thruster: 95 x 20, 15, 10
    b. Burpees: 20, 15, 10
I felt like I was going to pass out and have a heart attack by the end of 20 reps each of thrusters and burpees. By the time I got to 10 each, I was a zombie, just doing it while light-headed and feeling my pulse rip out of my neck.


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