14JUn2016: pull day

I was weak today on deadlift for a few reasons:

  1. hard squatting the day before
  2. insufficient warm-up
  3. cutting carbs as low as possible doing just vegetable smoothies as of Monday
Today's session:
  1. Clean grip muscle snatch:   45x10; 65x5; 95x5 (light weight just to wake up)
  2. strength superset:
    a. Chinup:  +35  x 5,4,4,4
    b. Deadlift: 225x5; 275x3; 225x5,5
  3. strength endurance superset
    a. flat back goodmorning: 95x10; 115x10; 135x10
    b. Kroc row: 85 x 10/10; 10/10; 10/10
  4. MetCon
    a. American KB swing: 50# x 25, 20, 15
    b. TRX inverted row: BW x 20, 15, 10
    c.  Side-plank knee-to-elbow: 15/15, 10/10, 5/5


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