28NOV: wk4-d5
Day after Thanksgiving
Did my usual warm-up, plus a few minutes in the sauna
Did my usual warm-up, plus a few minutes in the sauna
- Low box alternating Pistols. So much freaking harder than the taller box! This is going to take a while!!!!:
5/5, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1 - Neutral grip pullups: 5,4,2,2,1
- Box squat: 135 x 5,5,5,5,5
My left knee coould really feel the extra 20 pounds. When I hit 5x30, I'll be ready for more weight - bent row: 135 x 5,5,5,5,5
- Klokov complex: singles at - 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195
- a. EZ-bar curls: 70 x 5,5,5,5
b. Dips: BW x 5,5,5,5
This was just an easy breezy workout to get some blood pumped. The only difficult part was those dang pistols on the low box.