9APR: Kettlebell suicide

I totally killed myself at the skatepark on Wednesday.  My son was skating, and I was playing with a new 50lb KB.  This is a great weight. Easy for snatches and presses, but really challenging for get-ups.  Just about right for goblet squats and windmills.

  1. Lost track of how many rounds of:
    a. windmill ladders:  1,2,3
    b. Snatch ladders: 2,3,5
    c. High pull ladders: 2,3,5
    d. 1-arm swing: 2,3,5
    e. 2-arm swing: 5,10,15
  2. Lost track of rounds of Snatch Countdowns: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
  3. Lost track of rounds of:
    a. Clean & Press: 2,3,5,10
    b. Goblet squat: 2,3,5,10
    c. 2-arm swing: 5,10,15,20


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