15APR: B1-2 scaled down

Left biceps tendon still hurting, so I skipped snatch and pullups.
  1. Agile-8 + back bridges (remind me never to skip this)
  2. Bulgarian squats: bw x 10/10; 20s x 10/10. 10/10
  3. Hack squat: 140 x 25
  4. 1-arm db overhead press: 55 x 10/10, 10/10, 6/6
  5. Incline barbell bench press:  135 x 10,10,5
  6. Lying cross-body triceps extension:  30 x 12/12, 8/6
  7. Dips:  6, 9
  8. Decline situp:  BW x 12, 12


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