Back from the dead

I joking told my daughter I caught Avian swine flu. Whatever I had, it knocked me for a loop for over 2 weeks. I am back from the dead and able to get out aand enjoy the early Austin spring, although we are having a cloudy cool day at the moment (27 FEB).

I walked about 6 miles around Granger Lake and along ther banks of the San Gabriel River on Saturday as I fished for whatever would bite. All in all, it wasn't a workout, but just a day in the sun, getting recharged and reinvigorated.

On Sunday, I hit Lake Georgetown and only walked about 2 miles as I fished. The only thing I caught on Lake Georgetown were some quality Z's in the sun. I must have slept for 45 minutes on the limestone banks.

I would lift this week, but we have team meetings all week, which will go well into the evenings, so I might not be able to fit anything substantial into my schedule.


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