6 FEB: 5-3-1 begins

I started the day with 30 minutes of Pilates this morning at 7:30 AM. It was surprisingly fatigue-inducing in my shoulders and upper back. It was easy on everything else.

Today was my first training day of the next 6 week cycle. I started with a passable load on deadlift, but each week will get closer to my true 1RM. Since I'm training 5 days a week, the volume is low, following a Dorian Yates style of HIT.
  1. Warm-up: Flat back goodmorning: 85 x 10; 95 x 8
  2. Deadlift: (3 warm-up sets, then) 275 x 5; 285 x 5; 295 x 5
  3. Leg press: 320 x 12; 370 x 10; 450 x 12 (including Rest-Pause reps)
  4. Leg curl: 75 x 10; 100 x 13 (including Rest-Pause reps)
  5. 73lb T-bell swing: 10, 10, 10


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