7 FEB: shoulders, chest, triceps

I put this in the wrong sequence, but I'll have it dialed in for next Tuesday.

The wrong sequence specifically is going to failure on shoulder isolation exercises before hitting chest and triceps. My shoulders hurt so bad I could hardly do ANYTHING.

wrong sequence:

  1. external rotations: 10s x 12; 12s x 10

  2. overhead press: 135 x 5; 135 x 5; 140 x 5

  3. cable lateral raise; 10 x 12ea; 13 x 10ea; 17 x 7 + 4 forced reps and 2 negatives

  4. prone dumbbell raise: 10s x 10; 12.5s x 8 + 5 rest pause reps + 3 cheat reps

  5. bench press (shoulders really limited me) 135 x 12, 12, 12

  6. couldn't do dips

  7. couldn't do shrugs

corrected sequence will be:

  1. external rotations: x12, x10

  2. overhead press: 3 x 5 (add weight each set)

  3. bench press: wk1 = 3 x 12; wk2 = 3 x 10; wk3 = 3 x 8

  4. dips: x10; 1 x total failure

  5. cable lateral raise: x12; x10; xTF

  6. prone raise: x10; xTF

  7. trap bar shrugs: x12; x10; xTF


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