30 AUG: Defiant WOD

I can tell that this will take some getting used to. I really appreciate the length of the warm-up Heather (Definant CF coach) has us do before each workout. First, we ran 400 meters. Then we did a series of about 7 stretches. After that was a series of body weight exercises, each done for one 1 set of 10. This included squats, pushups, situps, pullups, ring dips, handstand pushups, box jumps and others I may be forgetting. By the time we started the workout, I had a good sweat going.

Then we did our strength move:
Deadlift: 275 x 3, 3, 3, 3

Then the full blown CF-style WOD:
As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
1. Thruster: 135 x 5
2. Burpee: x 10
3. Jump rope: double-unders x 20 or singles x 40

I started with double-unders but couldn't manage because my legs were so tired, so I moved to singles x 40. All told, I completed 3 rounds + 2 thrusters.


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