21 AUG: Workout at Defiant Crossfit

We took the whole family to Defiant Crossfit in Pflugerville, TX. Heather and her crew are great people. The workout was a CF classic: Fran.

This workout is a couplet (exercise pair) of barbell thruster and kipping pullups, done for 21-15-9 reps in as short a time as possible.

I went for the workout as prescribed, whereas most did jumping pullups and 65lbs on thrusters (instead of 95). I was shocked that after 2 weeks off I was able to get 21 reps of pullups. I completed the last 9 thrusters just as time ran out, which meant I didn't finish the last 9 pullups.

My wife finished the full workout in 7+ minutes using jumping pullups. I'm not sure if her thruster weight was 65 or 45. Either way; Great job, Jaime!!!!!


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