23 JUL: WOD2

Same as sessions for this phase, but slightly heavier.

  1. Clean: 145 x 5, 5, 5
  2. Incline bench press: 145 x 12, 12
  3. Dips: bw x 4 (shoulder pain)
  4. Chin-ups: bw x 2, 4, 4
  5. Bent row*: 95 x 12, 12
  6. Prone raise: 12s x 12
  7. Lateral raise: 12s x 12
  8. Shrug**: 135 x 13
  9. Incline dumbbell curls: 20s x 14, 12, 9
  10. Squat: 115 x 30, 30

*Bent row: Much better feel, and stricter form with lighter weight. I could feel more contraction than with 115.

**Shrug: 13 reps was easy but I didn't feel I was fully working my traps. I will lower the weight on Friday


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