Preparing for the journey

Well, I've been married for three days now, and life is already better. Jaime and I are still in the process of unboxing and find where everything will go. The garage gym is almost ready for some serious sweat.

On Monday 14 DEC, I'm embarking on a new personal challenge. I want to push myself as far as I can go for 16 weeks. The first 4 weeks are geared towards corrections of all imbalances, with a side benefit of weight/fat loss. My goal is to lose 10lbs in during those four weeks.

I want to always measure performance, not just aesthetic markers. So while the weight loss and before/after pics are nice, what will really count are the improvements I attain in four weeks for each of the following:

Aerobic fitness

  • 1 mile time

Anaerobic fitness: Level 1

  • max reps pushups in 2 minutes
  • max reps ab wheel in 2 minutes
  • max reps Hindu squats in 2 minutes
  • max reps 95lb sumo grip high pull in 2 minutes

I've put together what looks to be the most comprehensive, goal-driven workout plan to date; and I've been doing this for 14 years. Through the use of specific movement patterns, I'm going to correct the structural imbalances most of us have as a result of sitting at a computer, or poor posture, etc. Through the use of some of the same movement patterns with added resistance and intensity of effort, I'll increase my fitness, work output capacity, and improve my body composition. If I had to give this a high-level rationale, its: If you train for the right function, form will follow.

Stay tuned!!!!!


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