17 DEC: improvised endurance workout

I had a planned workout that included sprints and agility drills, but rain and a late night changed my plans. I started at 10:30, so I did as much as I could in as short a time as I could.

1. 5 minute dynamice warm-up
2. Countdowns (also called Big 55 by Coach Dan John)
part a) Dumbbell swing, 35lb
part b) Goblet squat, 35lb

Count downs are a great way to drive serious endurance through a specific movement pattern. Start with 10 on the 1st movement, then 10 on the 2nd. 9 then 9. 8 then 8. 7 then 7, etc. By the time you work down to 1 rep of each, you've completed 55 reps of each movement.

After that I did 3 sets of 5 Turkish get-ups on each side, using only a 15lb dumbbell. I went light because the Countdown got me tired, and also because it was the first time doing Turkish get-ups in ages!!!!

For an unplanned session, this wasn't half bad.


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