23 JUL: intro workout

I'm sticking to my 2 week A,B,A B,A,B split. Today way the warm-up workout for the 4 week intro phase.

1) Goodmorning: 65 x 10; 85 x 10; 95 x 10
2) Overhead press: 85 x 10; 95 x 10; 100 x 10
3) Front squat: 95 x 10; 115 x 10; 135 x 10
4) Plank Row*: 10s x 6, 6, 6 per arm
5) Reverse curl**: 55 x 12, 12, 12

*Plank Rows: My back is plenty strong, but my core is not. I could have used significantly more weight in a supported or bilateral row, but my abs were holding me back. Better to go slow, get my core up to par, than to let ego take over and suffer a setback. I'll stick with the 10lb dumbbells till I can get 10 per arm.

**Reverse curls; I'm not sure what happened to my left forearm, but it hurts. As with plank rows, I'm going light and progressing slowly.


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