Jun 24 training session

I didn't start lifting last night till 9:30 PM.

I started with barbell calves. 3 x 10 @ 265. Next was single leg calves off a step, 3 x 20 for each leg.

Close grip Chin-up: 4 x 6 reps with bodyweight

a) deadlift: 3 x 10 @ 205lbs. On the 3rd set I only got 7 reps
b) incline dumbbell curl: 3 x 10 @ 30lbs each hand

Barbell curls: 4 x 5 @ 95

a) bench press: 3 x 10 @ 185
b) inverted side-to-side row: 3 x 10


plieb said…
wow thats a lot of bicep/calf focus. I guess theres a reason youve always referred to the calves as the "bicep of the leg." Whenever I try any direct calf work I start thinking about those cartoons where animals are stranded on a desert island and everyone starts looking like a drumstick. But in this case, my calves are the drumsticks.
MMAdrian said…
If SNL's Jack Handwy ever took up fitness writing, it would read a lot like your comments.


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