Undulating periodization Block1, wk1: day 1

I finished the full week, but I'm only going to dig up Day 1 to describe how it address the 4 pillars (Stability, Mobility, Endurance, Strength):

Monday 23 JAN 2017

  1. Side/Front/Side plank: 2 x 20sec/20sec/20sec
    Stability.  Front planks are easy for me, Left side is really hard.  Right is OK.  Progressing to 3 straight minutes (60/60/60sec) will be a massive improvement in stability and endurance
  2. Parallel bar pike (aka leg raises) 3 x 10reps
    Doing these from parallel bars requires so much more total body stability that with your back supported against something.  This is incredibly difficult
  3. 1-arm dumbbell snatch: 60# x 3 x 2reps per arm
    Mobility and Strength.  Next week I'll hit 3x3ea arm, then 3x4ea on wk3.  After that, I move to 70#. Dumbbell snatches require a ton of stability and mobility
  4. Bench press: 185# x 4 x 6reps; 155x12,10,10 (will stick with 155# till I hit a total of 50  reps in 3 sets. This is  called the 3-50 method)
  5. Incline dumbbell press strip set: 60x8-50x3-40x1 (My chest was DONE! Will stick with these weights till I hit 12-10-8)
  6. 1-arm dumbbell row: 60# x 4 x 12ea (next week is 70# x 10, then 80# x 8)
  7. Hammer Strength 3-50 method: skipped because we were short on time and someone was on it
  8. Wide grip cable row strip-set: 115x12-100x10-85x12 (going heavier next week)
I ran out of time, so later I did legs:
  1. Squat: 185# x 4 x 15
  2. Leg curls: I forget  what weight I used but it was 4 sets of 12
  3. God awful countdown (10,9,8,7....2,1)
    a. 50# kettlebell Goblet squat
    b. 50# kettlebell swing
    c. Bodyweight squat jump


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